November 11, 2016
Rachel Grinman
Code Cutting Keys
Cutting keys using a key code is life made easier for locksmiths—however not all keys have a code to cut them from. There are two types of codes that may be used in order to actually code-cut a key. They are referred to as bitting codes and blind codes.
Blind Codes are the codes that need some sort of list or program to translate the blind code into a bitting code for locksmiths to use. Locksmiths can also create their own blind codes in order to identify any keys they installed or to create a higher security system.
Bitting Codes are the translated blind codes that the locksmith uses to cut the key. Some very experienced locksmiths (like ours) may even be able to identify the bitting code from a picture of the key—is that amazing?!
Whether you have a key code or have lost your code, contact our specialists to solve your locksmith needs. You can send us a picture of your key at info@keymaxlocksmiths.com or call our office at 416 629 5636. We can’t wait to help you!
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