June 27, 2016
Rachel Grinman
Lock Rekey or Lock Replacement –The Simple Solution
Many clients assume that when there is an issue with their lock, or with losing the keys for their locks, the solution is to replace the entire existing lock. This isn’t always necessary; there is an alternative—rekeying the lock.
To rekey a lock, the locksmith removes and replaces the springs and pins within your existing lock. This allows the lock to have a new combination for entry, which will require an entirely different key to be used. Locks are usually rekeyed when a key has been lost, or when there is a new resident or owner in a home. Rekeying a lock provides peace of mind for clients without a costly result.
Replacing a lock may be a better solution if your existing lock is worn out or if you’re looking for a heavier duty or higher security lock. People also commonly replace their locks for visual appeal rather than for technical qualities. Lock replacement is more costly than rekeying a lock, but you are getting more for your money. Keyless entry locks are one of the more popular lock replacements, especially since it’s far more convenient to enter through digits than physically inserting a key—not to mention the time many of us spend looking for our keys!
It’s very important to take into consideration the cost and use for the locks you have and need. Several clients are not aware that rekeying a lock is an option, which is why consulting a professional locksmith is necessary! Our trusted locksmiths are here to answer all of your inquiries 24/7 at 416 629 5636 or by email at keymaxinc@gmail.com. We look forward to finding the best solutions for your residence or business!
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