June 10, 2016
Rachel Grinman
Transponder Keys: Getting to know your vehicle
Transponder is the combination of the words responder and transmitter. The purpose of the transponder chip is to deactivate the cars immobiliser when the key is used to turn on the engine.
Most car keys, especially in Canada, following 1995 have transponder chips in the shell of the key. After placing the key in the ignition and turning the key, the ECU (Engine Control Unit) relays an electronic message to the transponder key, which results with turning on the car—only if the ECU received the same message back from the key. This means that aside from cutting your key to fit the ignition cylinder of your car, you also have to ensure that it is programmed correctly to your vehicle.
Be informed; just because your vehicle is old, doesn’t mean that it is entirely ruled out from having a transponder chip. Don’t waste valuable time or money cutting spare keys at any regular hardware store if what you really needs is a chipped key. Call our trusted locksmiths for more information about your keys! Send all inquiries to keymaxinc@gmail.com or call our office at 416 629 5636.
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