February 17, 2017
Rachel Grinman
T-Handle & Vending Machine Locks
These types of locks are most commonly seen on vending machines, however, they can be used in other areas to obtain security. These lock types are mainly found in two forms; one that requires a key to unlock & relock the device, and one that can be relocked without a key because it has a built-in spring latch.
The avoidance of having a keyway helps to avoid unauthorized access or theft through drilling. These locks are also known as plug locks. T-handle locks are seen on vending machines, however, these locks are also common on vehicles. They are used mostly to secure lids & doors of vehicles. Thanks to the variety of materials used to manufacture the different locks, they are suitable for many vehicles to provide security.
Whether you’re stuck in a situation where you can’t open your lock or would like to replace it–our locksmiths will be able to appropriately assist your situation. Send your inquiries to info@keymaxlocksmith.com or call to speak to a live agent today at 416 629 5636. Let us help you find security solutions to suit your needs!
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